Lead capture and management

Lead capture & management

Help your sales and marketing teams work in harmony with a dedicated lead management tool.

  • Leads are automatically captured from sources of your choice, such as web forms, inbound IP tracking, or live chat tools
  • You can also import leads from trade shows, outbound purchased lists or spreadsheets with ease
  • Send nurture campaigns to your leads, tailored to wherever they are in their journey, using our marketing automation tool
Powerful de-duplication

Powerful de-duplication

In your CRM, it is crucial to keep your data clean and accurate at all times. Unfortunately, leads don’t always contain accurate information, but that’s ok.

Gold-Vision’s lead management module has been intentionally designed to create the ideal environment to work on this incomplete data outside of your CRM records.

However, when you’re ready to promote a lead into your CRM, powerful de-duplication alerts will run automatically against existing records in your CRM, notifying you if this new lead has had prior contact or already exists as an opportunity or customer.

Lead scoring

Lead scoring & assignment

Automatically score leads based on their interactions, sort the hot from the cold and help your sales team act fast by automatically assigning leads.

  • Prioritise your team’s follow-up efforts for maximum results and align sales and marketing.
  • Allocate hot leads to individuals or entire sales teams based on demographic information, such as postcode or industry, or their lead score
Track and report

Track & report

The main purpose of the Lead Management module is to help you increase the number of leads you convert and, as a result, increase your revenue. But how can you measure this? Simple, use Gold-Vision dashboards.

  • View how your leads are moving through the funnel
  • Measure lead performance and conversion
  • Determine which lead sources and campaigns are producing the best ROI
Lead promotion

Lead promotion

Because the lead management module is fully integrated in Gold-Vision, you can promote qualified leads into your CRM with one click.

  • Once promoted, you can still see the full lead history in your CRM, maintaining a complete picture of your opportunity or customer
  • Discard leads you have qualified out to keep your focus

What can Gold-Vision do for your business?

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