Data privacy_Configure Privacy Rules

Configure privacy rules

Once set up, Gold-Vision’s clever workflow system simplifies the on-going maintenance and application of your privacy rules. Creating, applying and updating privacy rules is made easy, just set them up once and they’ll automatically be applied to your new and existing records as applicable.

  • Account rules allow you to apply a purpose to Contacts based on their account type
  • Interaction rules allow you to apply a purpose to Contacts based on their behaviour, such as when they make a purchase or attend an event
  • Lead list rules allow you to apply a purpose to a lead based on the lead list type – automatically noting whether your Privacy Notification would have been provided

There’s also the option to bulk update all of your existing records, which will update all existing records with the relevant rules – making marking up newly imported and new data a cinch!

Data privacy_Privacy Dashboard

Simple data management

Through Gold-Vision’s privacy dashboard, Admins can access and respond to Subject Access Requests (SARs) which are handled via individual contact records (Privacy Logs) enabling you to export CSVs of the following:

  • Personal or Sensitive Data containing all fields which have been marked as personal or sensitive
  • Privacy Logs containing your lawful basis for processing, purposes and planned removal date
  • Notes relating to the individual contact or lead
  • Erasure requests from both contacts and leads, which are automatically tracked making it easy to view and action
  • Expired records which enable hassle-free data removal by indicating when a contact or lead has gone passed the original data retention period that was applied
  • Deleted items, allowing Admins to view all records marked as deleted or dormant (as well as Contacts whose removal date has passed), which can then be erased either individually or in bulk
Define data types & purpose

Define the data type & purpose

Since the introduction of data privacy legislation, such as the GDPR, CCPA, PIPEDA, etc. you need to identify your various data sources (such as website leads, existing customers, employees etc.) and mark any data that can be used to identify individuals.

Once you have done this, you can use Gold-Vision’s fully customizable screen designer to mark the relevant data fields as Personal or Sensitive. You can even mark fields as mandatory where necessary to ensure that any new records cannot be saved unless a privacy option is selected.

Set the lawful basis

Set the lawful basis

Again, since this increased focus on regulating data privacy, you are required to record why you’re holding/processing an individual’s data.

Gold-Vision allows you to create as many data purposes as you need (e.g. web enquiry, event attendance, customer etc.), setting the Lawful Basis for processing and duration using the built-in dropdown menus, pre-populated in line with Article 6 (for personal data) and Article 9 (for sensitive data).

When you start managing your customer data correctly, a whole new world of opportunities begins to open up. Download our complete guide to managing your customer data like a pro today and get ahead of the competition.

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