How to increase productivity isn’t just as simple as being a productive individual. You could have ten employees working just as productively as each other. However, if they’re working in siloes you’ll likely suffer from duplicated, wasted efforts.

The good news is that a CRM system like Gold-Vision can improve company-wide productivity through its intelligent features. Automating time-consuming tasks, delegating activities, and bringing teams closer together doesn’t have to be difficult. Let us show you how!

6 ways a CRM can help your business increase productivity

Bring teams together

Automates processes

Better organisation of tasks

Save time

Centralised view of data

Integrated systems

1. Bring teams together with a system that’s adopted by all

When investing in a new piece of software, the last thing you want is for it to fall by the wayside. This often happens when teams aren’t confident in using the system or get trapped in old ways and processes. Another major factor to consider is picking something that will increase productivity in all departments, not just sales or marketing. Failing to do so leads to a siloed working environment. It could also make employees wonder why one team is getting invested in, and another isn’t.

CRM systems become more intelligent the more they are used

One of Gold-Vision’s key objectives is to create a CRM system that all teams will actually want to use. After all, CRM systems become more intelligent and worthwhile the more they are utilised. With all of your data organised logically in one centralised view, it becomes easier to streamline processes and increase productivity.

The benefits of using a CRM accessible to all are plentiful, with the most important being team alignment. Team goals can be created easily and are more likely to be achieved when they are clear and simple. Gold-Vision’s interactive Dashboards create a quick-glance, unified view of targets and achievements – something for teams to work towards!

2. Automation of tasks and processes

Using your CRM to automate tasks and processes means less manual labour and more time for the important stuff! There is also less room for human error and duplicated efforts – here are some examples:

Lead generation & follow up

Leads can be generated through many different platforms and efforts, including:

  • Web forms
  • Social media
  • Cold outreach
  • Networking events and exhibitions.

The key to the transition from a lead to a prospect is a quick follow-up to keep the lead engaged and focused. The more time that goes by, the less chance you have to build a lasting relationship.

Automation removes the need for employees to manually check for leads from multiple sources. For example, when a lead fills out a form on your website, Gold-Vision will automatically add them to a dedicated lead list. It will even notify specific teams or employees to follow up quickly.


Marketing automation is key to targeting the right people, with the right content, at the right time. It’s also a vital tool for onboarding new customers and keeping existing ones up-to-date on the latest news and features.

Gold-Vision’s Campaigns module, along with our in-house email creation tool, Connect, makes marketing automation a breeze. You can set triggers within your CRM to send single mail shots when a new action is completed. For instance, sending out a welcome pack when a new account is set up. Even more impressive is Campaign’s ability to automatically manage multi-stage email and telephone campaigns. You simply create your stages, establish run settings and the rest is done for you – including follow-up activities. Not only are these functionalities impressive, but they also save you a shed load of time!

3. Better organisation and delegation of tasks

There is nothing productive about different team members completing the same task twice – but it’s a common, and understandable mishap. Without a holistic view of everything that’s going on in a busy office, there are bound to be duplicated efforts.

Projects & activities

With Projects and Activities, everyone can see what their team is up to. The ability to delegate tasks, set reminders and deadlines, and track time becomes simple. Gold-Vision’s clever automation tools also give the option to trigger new activities when outstanding ones are complete. For example, companies working in industries such as Fire & Safety often have inspections to complete. Once an inspection has been marked as complete, Gold-Vision automatically sets up a follow-up activity to remind you when the next one is due.

Time tracking

Gold-Vision’s Time Tracking tool is invaluable in organising tasks and delegating workload. You can see how long a previous task has taken other users, giving you a clear idea of how long it will take in the future. This lets you assign repeated tasks with employees’ workload in mind.

4. One centralised & unified view

The pandemic threw businesses into unknown territory with no warning, pushing office-based employees to work remotely. This was something that many companies had pondered, but never got around to trialling. However, this new way of working showed that some people work better at home, with fewer distractions and more flexibility. What became a clear priority in light of this change was the need for everyone in the business, to have a unified view of company data.

Any device, anywhere

Gold-Vision CRM gives you this option, with the ability to log into the system from any device, wherever you are. Everything in Gold-Vision is visible to your employees unless you choose to make it private. Those working in Sales and Support can make great use of features such as Notes & Correspondence tracking. These features allow users to see a full history of prior conversations with customers and suppliers. This not only keeps everyone up-to-date on the customers’ journey but also reduces the amount of time spent chasing colleagues to understand the full picture of a situation.

Different teams use different tools, sometimes making that holistic view of your business difficult to achieve. However, with Gold-Vision’s broad library of integration options, you can rest assured that an action completed elsewhere will be visible directly in your CRM. To find out the range of integrations available, click here.

5. Lead capture & management that doesn’t take forever!

The word ‘leads’ often brings to mind endless spreadsheets. Spreadsheets that, over time, become disorganised and difficult to use – becoming a laborious task for whoever dares look after them! Using a CRM system to capture and manage your leads lets you safely store contact information, keep on top of ever-changing compliances, and streamline processes. But Gold-Vision is much more than just the basics when it comes down to leads!

The power of lead lists

There are endless ways that companies go about generating their leads. This could be digitally, through the likes of website forms or face-to-face at trade shows and events. Gold-Vision helps you organise your leads into different lists. From here, sales teams can claim a lead to complete follow-up and begin the nurturing process. However, lead lists are also valuable to other teams in the business, such as Marketing.

For example, here at Gold-Vision our marketing team makes use of event lead lists to nurture leads whilst they’re still warm. Once the lead’s details are added to the Lead List, they receive an automated email to thank them for their time, and to invite them to chat further about their CRM options. We use the Lead List as a live recipient/source list, which works with our Connect email tool to send a branded message.

The accuracy of lead information is vital for getting in touch and nurturing your contacts. Luckily, Gold-Vision has plenty of functionality available to help you keep your lead information tidy, even if human error comes into play. Integrations like Loqate Address Lookup and Loqate Email Validation run through your data to double-check that everything is correct. For example, you can easily see when an email address is invalid or inactive. This is particularly important if you’re looking to improve your email sender reputation.

6. Integrate with your key business tools

Naturally, teams across your company will be utilising different tools and apps to help them complete their daily tasks. For example, Sales teams may be using ERP systems to track orders, whilst Support teams could be making use of LiveChat functionality to discuss issues with customers. The broad variety of apps and software available on the market make our jobs easier, but they can also create disjointed and siloed teams. In an attempt to align teams, you may have joint meetings to keep everyone updated. However, these can be time-consuming and sometimes a waste of effort.

The solution to this is making the most of integrations.

Integrations make it possible to use your favourite tools without the need to copy information across into your CRM system. Everything you do is fed back into the system for all to see and make use of with the confidence that data is correct and up-to-date. In fact, with some integrations, there’s no need to leave your CRM system at all with the functionality readily available to use. Here are some examples of Gold-Vision’s most popular integrations, and how they are utilised by our customers:

eSignature Integrations (including DocuSign & Adobe Sign)

eSignature integrations help you streamline your document management processes, whether you’re closing a sale or dealing with a project contract. With everything in one place, you can send and receive documents directly within your CRM with confidence that you’re operating within a secure environment. You no longer have to flit between multiple views, or even wait for weeks for physically signed documents to reach you by post!

Data validation integrations (including Loqate Address Verification & Loqate Email Validation)

Data validation integrations help you keep your data clean, accurate and organised! Loqate Address Verification saves you the hassle of manually typing full addresses into your system and works to keep address formats correct when dealing with countries across the world.

Similarly, Loqate Email Validation checks that email addresses added to your CRM are valid and correct. Making sure your email data is clean is imperative in maintaining a good score when it comes down to email marketing. If you have ‘dirty data’ you may see your emails marked as spam, ending up in junk folders – making your outreach less successful.

The right solution is just around the corner

As you can see, with the right CRM system in place it really is possible to increase workplace productivity. Speak with a team member today to discuss how Gold-Vision CRM can help your teams work more effectively to smash those business goals!

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