
Carlton Packaging is the UK’s leading packaging and design company, with over 20 years of experience. They have a key focus on innovative design, supplying smart packaging materials and creating effective processes for fulfilment operations across Europe. Carlton Packaging are constantly working to reduce packaging costs and waste to help protect the environment, whilst increasing the packaging process speed to ensure that their customers have a great experience!

Lucy Bosten is the Marketing Manager at Carlton Packaging and has been with the company for 6 years. When Lucy started her role, Gold-Vision was already implemented, Lucy was keen to embed CRM practices across all departments in order to create better visibility, streamline processes, and provide great customer experiences.

The need for CRM

Gold-Vision was Carlton Packaging’s first CRM system, and was used to replace a prior system that relied mostly upon paperwork and physical copies of documents. Jiggy Patel (Head of Customer Experience and Account Manager at Gold-Vision), recalls one of her first site visits to Carlton Packaging: “Before Gold-Vision, Carlton Packaging were relying on a system of boxes and trays to organise their processes and physical documents. Whilst this system worked for them at the time, their desire to improve productivity and efficiency meant that something had to change, and we were delighted to be able to help them achieve this goal!”

The Gold-Vision CRM solution

Carlton Packaging and the team at Gold-Vision CRM have worked together to improve and streamline business functions based on the company’s vision. It’s clear that at Carlton Packaging the customer is at the heart of their business.

The customer journey is especially important to Carlton Packaging and having worked with ERP systems in the past, they understand that not all systems allow for great relationship building. However, with Gold-Vision, Carlton Packaging are now able to fully track customer insights and communication including email history.

“It was reassuring to know that everything was in one place and that anyone in the company could logon and see what was happening to their Potential.”

CRM requirements

  • Lead and sales opportunity management
  • Real-time visibility of processes
  • A versatile API to link to other business software needs
  • Marketing automation & email design tools

Shared dashboards

Carlton Packaging’s business development team are particularly focussed on tracking their potentials through the buyer journey to ensure they provide an efficient service. To help with this, they have created a shared Gold-Vision dashboard which provides real-time visibility for the whole business of their targets and daily progress.

For Carlton Packaging the provision of samples is important to them so that their customers can identify with the quality of their products. For every account set up a free sample box is sent out, which is personalised to the potential customer’s enquiry and the type of packaging they are looking for. Gold-Vision provides reporting on conversion of potential customers with samples so that the team can provide the best customer experience.

Integrated email marketing

Carlton Packaging rely on Gold-Vision’s fully integrated email marketing tool – Gold-Vision Connect and view it as one of the key features of their Gold-Vision implementation. Data Protection is an important factor for Carlton Packaging. For them, it’s essential that their customers feel confident that they’re working with a fully compliant company and are in safe hands. Marketing Automation enables the team to provide privacy notifications on an automated basis to new potentials and contacts added to the system.  This process also allows the company to establish communication preferences from the get-go so that the recipient can submit their preferred communication options.

Carlton packaging manage email bounce data and regularly cleanse their database to ensure compliance with the latest data policies and guidelines, which is easily managed with Gold-Vision reporting.  As keen digital marketers, Carlton Packaging are looking to ensure Potentials from various sources are captured straight into Gold-Vision to automate their lead nurture.

Benefits & results

  • Everyone at Carlton Packaging has an impact in creating new business, which could lead to an over-complicated and daunting Potentials management process. However, with the help of Gold-Vision, particular lists are delegated to members of staff which keeps workload manageable and allows for a clear and simplified review process.
  • Using Gold-Vision’s screen design tool also allowed Carlton Packaging to use their own terminology throughout the system, such changing ‘Leads’ to ‘Potentials’, to reflect the language used by their teams daily.
  • Carlton Packaging sees Gold-Vision as a unified communication tool across their business departments which simplifies account management.  Potential generation is managed company-wide, providing visibility on qualification and conversion, helping to understand the end to end buyer journey.

Looking ahead

Carlton Packaging is looking at integrating more of their current systems with Gold-Vision, such as their ordering system – this will provide their Business Development team with a true end to end view of their customer in a single view. They are also interested in important improvements that can increase the efficiency of their process, and so are looking at using one of our eSign integrations.  Web form integration as well as the potential for LiveChat integration are being considered to improve customer experience.  The key project relates to using the Gold-Vision API to integrate their business intelligence across multiple systems.

What can Gold-Vision do for your business?

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